The ASEAN Foundation Model ASEAN Meeting (AFMAM) programme is one of the ASEAN Foundation’s flagship initiatives that mainly targets students, studying at a tertiary level, to learn further about ASEAN as well as its decision-making processes and mechanisms through interactive learning methods that involve role-playing and meeting simulation. To ensure the authenticity of the programme, AFMAM is implemented in ASEAN Member States holding the ASEAN Chairmanship and is adapting the theme of each ASEAN Chairmanship as the main programmatic theme. Since its first launch in 2015, AFMAM has been held five times in Malaysia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
AFMAM provides an avenue for participants to sharpen their diplomatic skills by negotiating on ASEAN-related challenging topics while building cross-cultural friendships. Most importantly, AFMAM can create understanding among the participants about the issues that their neighbouring countries face to achieve Sustainable Development Goals targets. The AFMAM initiative also supports the action lines under the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 under the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint to promote ASEAN awareness among the students and youths as part of building the ASEAN Identity.
About The 6th AFMAM 2020
This year’s AFMAM will involve the simulation of the ASEAN+1 engagement which address the thematic focus of “The Role of ASEAN Youths in Promoting Networking and Cooperation to Build a Clean and Green ASEAN Community through Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Protection of the Environment” in accordance with the 2020 Viet Nam Chairmanship. Be prepared to engage in simulations with your ASEAN delegates!
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The 6th AFMAM 2020 has four main objectives, namely:
- To promote engagement between ASEAN and its external partners to students of undergraduate (or equivalent) education level in learning about diplomacy through a hands-on authentic simulation experience.
- To provide the ASEAN and external partners youth an avenue for the development of skills to advance
themselves, i.e. negotiation, public speaking, problem solving and leadership skills. - To encourage the learning of ASEAN among the ASEAN external partners in the future.
- To involve the youths in ASEAN affairs by assigning them to discuss cross-sectoral issues under the three ASEAN pillars supportive of the ASEAN Chairmanship tagline and come up with an outcome document.